Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Common Mistakes In Faking Doctors Work Excuse Letter

Mistakes in faking doctor's work excuse letters are not something you can afford to make. Your doctor's note should perfectly resembles a true doctor's note. The repercussion can be suspension or worst, termination. Stay away from being caught with your fake doctor's note by avoiding these common mistakes:

1) Incomplete details

A doctor's work excuse letter should provide complete information for your employers. It should contain a way for your employers to validate the legitimacy of the note. Your note should indicate the doctor's name, address, telephone number, and other contact information. Also, it should provide details about your diagnosis, date of absence, and date of consultation. Don't forget to indicate your name in your fake doctor's note.

2) Using doctor's notes frequently

To avoid suspicion, you should rarely use a fake doctor's excuse letter. Don't abuse your employers with a fake doctor's note. To be on the safe side, don't present a doctor's note for every time that you are absent for work.

3) Not covering your tracks

Don't assume that your employer will not check into your doctor's note. Although, not all employers validate the authenticity of a doctor's note, it is still best to prepare for the worst. Also, if you purchased a doctor's note using a credit card, then you should have been wise enough not to charge it with your company's credit card. It is better to use someone's credit card than your own.
Faking a doctor's work excuse can be a simple solution as an excuse for your absence. You should avoid the mistakes above at all cost. You need to carefully plan if you chose to use a fake doctor's excuse for work.

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